Vacuum Aspirator

Portable Vacuum Aspirator(3A/ET-310)

  • Portable suction unit.
  • Operation with 12 VDC power or rechargeable batteries.
  • 1000 ml container having autoclave ability.
  • Compatible with (IEC 601-1) EU standard.

Portable Vacuum Aspirator (OB-2012)

  • Portable suction unit.
  • Wall mounting charging bracket 12 VDC / 220 VAC
  • 1000 ml. container having autoclaveability.
  • Compatible with (IEC 601-1, EN 60601-1-2, EN 1789:1999) EU standards
  • 30 lpm clinical airflow.
  • 800 mbar suction.
  • 3.5 kg. weight.